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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How to System Restore Windows XP Without a CD

The registry and other files in Windows XP can become corrupted through careless downloading or installation of software. Unlike previous operating systems, Windows XP includes a System Restore utility that allows you to restore system configuration to an earlier date without affecting your documents or other data. System Restore is a utility built into the Windows XP operating system.

Now, How to restore your System without CD Here are some steps..

  1. Log on as an administrator. Open the Start menu by clicking the icon on the bottom left of your screen. Alternatively, press the Windows icon key on your keyboard.

  2. Follow the path "All Programs," "Accessories," "System Tools" and "System Restore."
  3. Check the box labeled "Restore Computer to an Earlier Time" and press the "Next" button to progress through the System Restore wizard.

  4. Choose the most recent date on the calendar that has a restore point. These dates are indicated with boldface type. In the right-hand pane, highlight the restore point you want. Click Next and let the restore operation run.

  5. Determine whether System Restore has solved the problem you were having. If not, you can undo the restore point or try restoring to an earlier date.


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